CLL YIM 2024 in Cologne

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to this year’s Young Investigator Meeting (YIM) as part of the XIVth International Workshop of the German CLL Study Group.

The YIM will take place on Friday, 19th April, 2024 in Cologne, Germany.

The YIM provides the opportunity for emerging clinical, translational and basic scientists to share and discuss their research findings on an international level. Senior CLL scientists are also encouraged to attend and contribute their own views and experiences to the discussions. In this way, YIM has become an important platform for young CLL researchers to present innovative research results, receive feedback and initiate new collaborations.

All junior researchers younger than 40 years of age were encouraged to submit an abstract on basic, translational or clinical research in CLL. Authors of accepted abstracts will receive a travel grant to assist in attending the meeting.

Abstract submission: closed | 18 abstracts had been selected | Program

We will be delighted to welcome you to the workshop and look forward to meet you in Cologne.

The YIM committee

  • Petra Langerbeins, Cologne
  • Deborah Stephens, Chapel Hill
  • Loic Ysebaert, Toulouse



Accepted abstracts receive the following benefits:

  • Travel Grant: Accepted abstracts receive a travel grant of 500€ for researchers from Europe and 1,500€ for researcher outside of Europe.
  • Hotel accommodation and congress fee: complimentary meeting registration and up to 3 nights hotel accommodation. We will register the presenter and reserve the hotel accommodation.
  • Oral abstracts: a short oral presentation during the assigned YIM session (authors will be notified of the exact time and date). Top ranking abstracts will be selected for a YIM award.
  • Poster presentation: Abstracts selected for poster presentation will display the poster during a dedicated poster session.